Monday, February 6, 2012

Why Should You Drink Grapefruit Juice - Grapefruit Juice Review

Why Should You Drink Grapefruit Juice?  Grapefruit Juice Review

Grapefruit Juice Has many benefits. Some people don't like the taste of Grapefruit Juice. So are bitter and some are Sour/sweet. However Grapefruit Juice can help you in your fight against obesity. Grapefruit Juice has Naringenin. Witch is a natural compound (a flavonoid) found in fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, and tomatoes. I personally have never heard of Naringenin antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. I have also found that their are numerous website promoting Naringenin supplements.

According to researchers, Vitamin C & naringenin, found abundantly in all citrus fruits, have a fat burning quality.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C reduces the effectiveness of fat. It reduces its content and can liquefy or dilute fat. By diluting the fat, it makes it less effective, and easier to flush out of your system. Vitamin C also works on cholesterol deposits. Vitamin C can help burn out the cholesterol, hence, making it difficult for cholesterol deposits to form in blood vessels.

Naringenin – A phytonutrients present in citrus fruits
Citrus fruits mainly consist of various water-soluble plant pigments collectively called as flavonoids. Of all the flavonoids, the most abundant one is naringenin, a naturally occurring alkaline compound in all citrus fruit, but most significantly in grapefruit, orange and tomato.
Naringenin has a significantly positive bioactive effect on human health as a fat blaster (weight loss agent), antioxidant, anti-inflammatory agent, carbohydrate metabolism promoter and immunity system modulator. 


  1. Great article.This fruit has many benefits for the entire body.

  2. your posting is very good about Why Should You Drink Grapefruit Juice - Grapefruit Juice Review
