Monday, May 31, 2010

What Are Pure Chemistry Products | Tampogo

Pure ChemistryTM | Tampogo is pioneering this frontier with a line of skin care products that are alkaloid based bio ­stimulants engineered to feed a wide variety of friendly micro­organisms on the skin.  This 100% natural, organic, “friendly bacte­ ria” food source causes healthy bacteria to go into a feeding frenzy resulting in sixty times the positive activity levels of normal friendly bacteria. Over a very short period of time, the healthy bacteria will completely overwhelm any harm­ful bacteria virtually eliminating skin disorders of many types.   
Botanical Buffet’s cutting edge formulations are debuting with an additional line of Nubia products created specifically for multi­cultural skin; that is, skin of color. Dermal researchers are just now beginning to realize that skin of color  differs from Caucasian skin in a variety of ways. Skin of color also has a greater number of oil glands as well as far larger oil glands.  In fact, skin of color normally has different types of bacteria growing on it than does Caucasian skin.  In order to produce maximal results, skin care products used on multi ­cultural skin should be formulated specifically for the special needs of skin of color. The result is the Botanical Buffet Nubia Collection. 
The ingredients in every Pure ChemistryTM  product works to balance the pH of the skin and acts as emollients for the skin.  Each product works in a positive manner with the body’s bio­system to deep clean the skin and to aid in skin restoration by including natural healing agents which expedite the recovery and repair of the skin from blemishes, scars and wounds.  Need more info goto

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tampogo Pure ChemistryTM Crystal ThinTM Diet Crystals

Can You Sprinkle Sprinkle Sprinkle?
Things You Should Know about Tampogo.

It’s NOT a Pill...
 It’s NOT a Diet...
  It’s NOT a Drink...
   It’s NOT Exercise...
The newest, hottest, best working weight loss tool EVER!
Pure ChemistryTM Crystal ThinTM Diet Crystals
Fox News Review Below

Diets don’t work.  This fact is obvious since each and every year a greater majority of the population gains more and more weight. Diets didn’t work ten years ago when everyone was trying low fat diets, they didn’t work five years ago when everyone was trying high protein diets, and they don’t work today when everyone is convinced that low carb diets are the “holy grail” of weight loss.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if you are trying to lose weight, you can’t follow the crowd since the crowd is gaining weight rather than losing weight.

Research consistently demonstrates that of all the various target behaviors studied, greatest weight loss doesn’t come from any fad diet.  It doesn’t come from eating more vegetables, from eating less fruit, from trimming fat from the table or from planned exercise sessions.  The target behavior that results in the greatest weight loss for overweight individuals is portion control. A friend calls this the D.E.S.M diet.  As in “Don’t Eat So Much.” Simple, logical, true. Eating smaller portions results in less calorie consumption and in greater weight loss.  The problem is how exactly to train yourself to eat less. 

Anyone who has tried to win the war against weight gain with sheer willpower knows that it isn’t easy.  Some say it isn’t even possible.  Being able to actually eat less by thinking about “eating less food” all day and night long is a no win proposition.  It is akin to my repeatedly showing you pictures of an elephant and asking you not to think about elephants.  Nor does structured meal planning work.  Sure, at suppertime, it is easy to eat half the mash potatoes that you really want, half the roast beef or half the cooked carrots.  But what happens an hour after you leave the table still hungry?  That’s right, you make up the calories and then some, through snacking.

Make Every Food a Diet FoodTM  Crystal ThinTM Diet Crystals

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Review, How To Improve Your Eyesight Naturally!,

What If You Could. See Better Without Glasses & Improve Your Eyesight Naturally!

This new and exciting book will provide some of the latest, greatest, and useful tips and tricks anyone can put to use in order to improve eyesight or prevent common eye problems such as near or far sightedness to cataract or glaucoma. You will learn that your body has its own natural healing powers which can help improve your visual and mental focus.

One major method you will learn in this book was formulated by an eye doctor, and it has been used for many people over the years. The best thing about it is, it's simple and it works. Anyone from young to old can use it, those with poor vision or those wanting to further improve their vision can benefit from this method. It doesn't even matter if you wear glasses right now, this method will give you the tools to use to improve your eyesight.

Visit the official Vision Without Glasses web site now!

The Fundamental Principle 

By Dr. W.H. Bates, M.D

Do you read imperfectly? Can you observe then that when you look at the first word, or the first letter, of a sentence you do not see best where you are looking; that you see other words, or other letters, just as well as or better than the one you are looking at? Do you observe also that the harder you try to see the worse you see?

Now close your eyes and rest them, remembering some color, like black or white, that you can remember perfectly. Keep them closed until they feel rested, or until the feeling of strain has been completely relieved. Now open them and look at the first word or letter of a sentence for a fraction of a second. If you have been able to relax, partially or completely, you will have a flash of improved or clear vision, and the area seen best will be smaller.

After opening the eyes for this fraction of a second, close them again quickly, still remembering the color, and keep them closed until they again feel rested. Then again open them for a fraction of a second. Continue this alternate resting of the eyes and flashing of the letters for a time, and you may soon find that you can keep your eyes open longer than a fraction of a second without losing the improved vision.

If your trouble is with distant instead of near vision, use the same method with distant letters.

In this way you can demonstrate for yourself the fundamental principle of the cure of imperfect sight by treatment without glasses.

If you fail, ask someone with perfect sight to help you.

Visit the official Vision Without Glasses web site now!

What Visual Problems Does It Help? 

Vision Without Glasses
method applies to all visual problems and defects including:

Near-Sightedness (myopia)
Lazy Eye (amblyopia)
Cross-Eye (strabismus)
Macular Degeneration
Hyperopia (Far-Sightedness)
Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight)
Tension Headache
Light Sensitivity
Poor Night Vision

Visit the official Vision Without Glasses web site now!

Does Vision Without Glasses Work? 

Some Testimonials From Satisfied Customers

"Ever since I started your vision program, my vision have literally improved over night. I used to wear spectacles all the time but now I'm already getting used to live without them. It's difficult to explain but I feel like I am 10 years younger.

Thanks for the program. I am totally impressed and satisfied."

George Fenech
London, England

"Hello... Thanks for your fast reply and advice... I have started the program around a month ago and went to do an eye test just this morning. My optician really couldn't believe it! He was so surprised with my improvement that he said that he never saw anything like it. (Not without surgery at least!) I gave him your website address and he said that he is going to check it out and try it himself. Thank you for making this available to us!"

Carol Walker
Nevada, USA

Visit the official Vision Without Glasses web site now!

"I have been wearing glasses since I was a kid, after hearing about your system from my friends I was very skeptic but eager to try at the same time. 3 weeks in the program and my eyes have greatly improved.

How can such an easy to follow system make such a big difference without eye surgery? "

John Brown

Visit the official Vision Without Glasses web site now!

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Visit the official Vision Without Glasses web site now!

What Is The Truth About Abs.

What Is The Truth About Abs.

Hey, Malendaz here,
And you're reading my review of what I really thought about "The Truth About Six Pack Abs" ebook.

Note that this is a review though, if you're looking for the Official website, please click here.

The reason I write this is because when I was thinking about buying The Truth About Six Pack Abs, I couldn't find many real reviews around, so I just thought I'd write one to help others in the same situation I was.

"The Truth About Six Pack Abs" ebook by">Michael D. Geary, is one of the best selling fitness ebooks on the internet, and it has been sold in tremendous amounts for several years to buyers in over 150 countries troughout the world. The ebook is a comprehensive guide to lose your stubborn belly fat, develop six pack abs and lose body fat in general, and lots and lots of people have followed what is taught in this ebook. The Truth About Abs ebook can only be bought at website, and is not available at any other online or offline bookstore.

The Author

Mike Geary is the founder of, and of course the author of the Truth About Six Pack Abs ebook. He is a certified nutrition specialist as well as a certified personal trainer specializing in body fat reduction and functional strenght training. Mr. Geary is a contributing author to popular magazines like "Muscle & Fitness Magazine" and "Oxygen Magazine", and has participated as a guest speaker on various radio shows. He is continuously keeping himself updated on new training techniques and strategies and makes this information available to his readers.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs Ebook

The ebook is an extensive 117 page electronic book you will be able to download and view on your computer once you purchase it. Of course, you can take a printout of the book if you don't want to read it on your computer screen.

The strategies and techniques described is targeted for a broad audience. Whether you are young or old, man or woman, obese or relatively fit, you will most likely benefit from the information revealed. Don't be misled to think this is only about how to get six pack abs. Yes, a part of the program focus on how to achieve this, however, the overall idea of the ebook is about how to exercise in general and what to eat to get fit. And the author teaches quite a few untraditional methods, both conserning exercises I never have seen before, about frequency and intensity, as well as about a wide range of nutrition tips I never knew until I got my hands on this program.

In the first chapters of the ebook the author dives into great details about abdominal development, as well as how a lean body is connected to your metabolic rate. He goes further explaining the importance of increasing the body's metabolism, and the exercises for this. Another section is devoted to the optimal intensity and duration of workouts, and yet another section is all about cardio.

An important part of the Truth About Six Pack Abs is the detailed instructions for the exercises. They are all described verbally and by use of pictures, so it is quite easy to follow.

The nutrition section is an important part that covers what to eat and what to stay away from, and why. This section alone is about 30 pages, so you will get a very good understanding of the importance of a proper diet. What I especially like is the meal plan ideas and examples provided, covering all meals from the early morning breakfast to the late evening snack. This is an excellent starting point for your grocery shopping, as you only have to take a printout of some of the meal plans before you go shopping.

Click here to visit the website.

The price for The Truth About Abs program is $39.95, one time fee. I think Michael Geary can this keep the price so low because of the large amount of customers buying this ebook. Included in the price above you will get three very interesting ebook bonuses with an additional value at $150.89, at no extra cost. From time to time the website also offers a free 21-day trial, where you have to pay only $4.95 as a processing fee. Please click here to check if the trial offer is available today.

Money Back Guarantee

If you buy The Truth About Abs, your payment will be processed by a third party reseller, Clickbank. They have a rock solid money back guarantee for 60 days. So if you buy this ebook, and for some reason should not be totally satisfied within 60 days from your purchase, just send a message to Clickbank and they will make a refund straight away.

My opinion

I think the value of the information in this ebook is way above average. What I especially like is all the new information not easily available elsewhere, both when it comes to exercises, the intensity and duration, as well as for the nutrition section. I have read the entire book, understood it, and am applying major parts of it. Just after a couple of weeks, I noticed very good results. But be aware, to get fit, it is not sufficient to buy the program, nor to just read it. You have to take action and apply what you are taught.

So to summarize, let us point to the pros and cons:


+ Comprehensive, you will learn a lot.
+ Well explained workouts.
+ Good nutrition section.
+ Lots of new stuff, not easily available elsewhere.
+ Nice price.
+ If you follow the advices, you will see great results.

- Video lessons could have made it even easier to learn the exercises. But, of course, then it wouldn't been an ebook anymore.
- Would prefer a physical book, however I have compromised this by taking a printout.
- Should have had it years ago...

All the best,
- Malendaz

Click here to visit the website.