Thursday, October 1, 2009


42 Way's To Save.....

1. Switch 3 lights that you use for 4 hours a day with compact fluorescent bulbs.
2. Replace a porch light that’s always on with a compact fluorescent bulb.
3. Turn your heater thermostat down 2 degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in the summer.
4. Install a programmable thermostat to adjust your home’s heating and cooling automatically.
5. Make sure your walls and ceilings are well-insulated.
6. Air-dry your clothes in the spring and summer instead of using the dryer.
7. Set your water heater thermostat no higher than 120 F.
8. Replace bathroom and kitchen sink facets with low-flow models.
9. Install low-flow showerheads.
10. Go from 500 sheets of 0% recycled computer to 200 sheets of 100% recycled paper.
11. Drive less aggressively — don’t accelerate and brake rapidly.
12. Drive the speed limit.
13. Keep the tires on your car adequately inflated. Check them monthly.
14. Drive 10 miles less per week.
15. Carpool, take public transit, or telecommute one day per week instead of driving to work.
16. Replace your old refrigerator with a new Energy Star one.
17. Replace an old TV with a new Energy Star one.
18. Replace your old dishwasher with a new Energy Star one.
19. Replace an old computer, monitor, and printer with new Energy Star ones.
20. Replace your old washing machine with a new Energy Star one.
21. Recycle all steel (”tin”) cans, aluminum cans, and glass containers.
22. Take one less short domestic round-trip flight this year.
23. Take one less cross-country round-trip this year.
24. Use a washable mug for your morning coffee instead of a Styrofoam cup (assuming you can get a freebie coffee mug).
25. Get a reusable water bottle instead of disposables (again, assuming you can get a freebie water bottle).
26. Buy products in the largest size you can use to avoid excess packaging.
27. Use washable plates and utensils for takeout dinners and parties instead of paper and plastic goods.
28. Buy vintage clothes instead of new stuff at the mall.
29. Unplug electronics when you’re not using them.
30. Turn out the light when you leave the room.
31. Shut down your computer and peripherals each night.
32. Run the clothes washer with only full loads.
33. Wash your clothes in cold water.
34. Run the dishwasher with only full loads and let dishes air-dry.
35. Take showers instead of baths.
36. Take shorter showers.
37. Insulate your water heater.
38. Clean or replace dirty air-conditioner filters every three months.
39. Replace old windows with double-pane windows.
40. Use a push lawn mower instead of gas or electric.
41. Change your car’s air filter and check it monthly.
42. Turn off the car instead of idling.

Whew! All together, these options would save 7.38 tons of carbon dioxide per year, and all of them would save money in some fashion, either by reducing your energy bill, reducing your water bill, improving your gas mileage, cutting down on unnecessary things (like trips), reusing things more often, or by literally making money by recycling items. It’s very difficult to calculate exactly how much money you would save because of the variables, but these items will save money.

Malendaz Coleman is an independent distributor representing different product lines from different companies.
I am primarily a real estate investor / independent distributor for Shaklee products proudly featuring their line of earth-friendly, non-toxic, super-powerful, highly concentrated cleaning products that perform equal to or better than almost everything on the market. Stain removers, scouring paste, kitchen cleaner, floor cleaner, window cleaner, also in convenient cleaning wipes.

More product related information at

Shaklee has a proud heritage of manufacturing and marketing healthy, non-toxic, natural products -- standing on a more than 50-year history of creating products "in Harmony with Nature." We do business by the "Golden Rule" and guarantee the absolute purity of our ingredients. No ifs, ands, or buts. Just for example, new botanical ingredients go through extensive third-party testing for purity, including testing for 358 potential contaminants. Need help Call Me Direct (941) 628-3891 0r Email Me

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